AI and Emerging Dental Technology

AI, ChatGPT, and Its Role in Clinical Decision Making

AI, ChatGPT, and Its Role in Clinical Decision Making
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17 May

AI and Its Role in Clinical Decision Making

Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as one of the most transformative innovations of the 21st century, permeating virtually every facet of our lives from transportation to healthcare. More and more, AI has been integrated into medical devices, enabling intelligent monitoring and management of health conditions such as diabetes and dental health, often with minimal human intervention.

One such application of AI in healthcare is the utilization of AI chatbots like ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer), a product of OpenAI, launched in November 2022. Trained to engage in conversation resembling human interaction, ChatGPT has the capability to answer a broad array of questions, even those encountered regularly in a clinical setting. This leads to a crucial question - can we entrust ChatGPT, or AI in general, with the generation of scientific evidence necessary for clinical decision-making? In essence, could it potentially supplant the traditional practice of evidence synthesis that includes literature review, critical appraisal, data gathering, and collation of findings from various studies to derive evidence-based responses to clinical queries?

This question was posed to ChatGPT, and its response was:

"As an AI language model, my design is to generate text based on patterns and relationships learnt from the data I was trained on. Although I can produce text related to scientific evidence and clinical decision-making, it's crucial to understand that I don't serve as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

When considering the use of text generated by AI language models for clinical decision-making, it is paramount to exercise discernment and critically evaluate the provided information. While models like GPT have demonstrated tremendous potential in natural language processing tasks, they are not flawless and could potentially make errors or provide misleading or inaccurate information.

Therefore, consultation with qualified medical professionals and reliance on peer-reviewed scientific literature remain indispensable when making clinical decisions. AI language models like GPT could serve as a supplementary tool to inform clinical decision-making, but they should never be the sole source of information or guidance."

The AI's response to this vital question is insightful. It's vital for healthcare practitioners to be aware of the limitations of AI-powered tools like ChatGPT, and consider them as complementary to, rather than replacements for, traditional evidence synthesis practices. Furthermore, while AI can make judgments based on input data, the human brain's capacity to innovate and create novel solutions to complex problems remains unmatched and continues to drive human inventions.

While we might anticipate the development of more powerful AI chatbots in the future, like a potential ChatGPT4, they are unlikely to supplant human intellect and intervention. Thus, the future of clinical decision-making will continue to rely on the harmonious integration of AI technology and human expertise.